HPMC VS CMC: 7 differenze da conoscere!
Melacoll2022-09-13 13:29

If you don't distinguish HPMC and CMC, there are 7 differences you need to know. HPMC vs CMC: their differences mainly focus on Definition, Solubility, Water Retention, Ph Stability, Enzymatic Resistance, Price and Application.

No.1 HPMC VS CMC: different definition

HPMC is prepared by reacting alkali cellulose with chloromethane and propylene oxide. This process mainly take place on etherification of workshop.  Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a cellulose derivative formed by the reaction of alkali and chloroacetic acid.


N0.2 different solubility

HPMC dissolves easily in cold water and may be difficult to dissolve in hot water. But CMC is easy to dissolve in hot and cold water, and the solubility of HPMC in cold water is higher than CMC.

melacoll hpmc viscosity test 2

No.3 different water retention

HPMC has better water retention than CMC. This is their big difference.

No.4 different PH stability

Melacoll™ HPMC remains stable in the range of pH 3~11. However, PH has a great effect on CMC, it is mainly used in gypsum rather than cement.

In a strongly alkaline environment, CMC’s viscosity will be lost. But HPMC will speed up its dissolution rate and increase its viscosity.

No.5 different enzymatic resistance

HPMC has better resistance to enzymes than CMC, so HPMC solution is less easily degraded by enzymes.

No.6 different price

HPMC price is evidently higher than CMC.

No.7 different application

CMC mainly apply to the food industry, toothpaste, diet pills, water-based coatings, detergents, and others. CMC proved to be a viable and superior alternative to HPMC as a goniometer solution.  The most common applications of HPMC include tile adhesive, paints and coatings, gypsum products, putty, food, cosmetics, detergents, and eye drops, among others.

This  is 7 difference between HPMC and CMC. However, whatever any products, their impact is important. If you want to know HPMC and MHEC difference, please click here.


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