Macro Fiber vs Microfiber: 4 Differences You Need to Know!
Melacoll 2022-09-23 13:39

Macro fiber vs microfiber: their differences mainly focus on 4 things, like different natures of original synthetic fiber or substitute for steel fiber, different appearance: how about diameter? different application: which is the best for shotcrete? difference purpose: 24 hours before concrete solidifies or all?

1 Macro fiber vs microfiber: different nature

Microfiber is a kind of original synthetic fiber.

But macro fiber is a new material to prevent concrete cracks and improves the toughness of the concrete. It is made as a substitute for Steel fiber but meanwhile has the same character as synthetic fiber.macro_synthetic_fibersteel_fiber

2 Macro fiber vs microfiber: different appearances

The diameter of the microfiber is less than 0.3 millimeters, and the diameter of the macro fiber is more than 0.3 millimeters.

3 Macro fiber vs microfiber: different applications

The microfiber is not a structural reinforcement fiber. It cannot be used to reinforce concrete or constructures or of the cement.

But the macro fiber can, it is a substitute for steel fibers. We all know, it is anti-erosion. it's more suitable for shotcrete.


4 Macro fiber vs microfiber: different using purposes

exterial_wall_putty_crackSo microfiber generally acts on cracking that may occur within 24 hours before the concrete solid.

Macro fiber is for all kinds of cracks and to enhance the elasticity of the utensil strengths of all cracks.

That's all for today, all these differences between macro fiber and microfiber. Compared to microfiber, macro fiber is lighter quality, easier to disperse, and has no erosion. And in practice, it improved the concrete toughness and shock resistance. it's more suitable for shotcrete.



Posted by Melacoll

Hi, there, I have been engaged in the cellulose ether industry for 11 years.

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