Choosing the Right Redispersible Polymer Powder for Mortar
Melacoll 2023-07-07 09:47


Redispersible polymer powder is an essential component in the construction industry, particularly in mortar applications. With a wide range of options available in the market, it can be daunting to select the ideal polymer powder that suits your project requirements. In this blog post, we will guide you how to choose the right redispersible polymer powder for mortar. And provide insights on how to determine whether a polymer powder is flexible or rigid.

1. Assessing Flexibility or Rigidity of Polymer Powder

Determining the flexibility or rigidity of a redispersible polymer powder for mortar is crucial. Here's how you can judge whether a polymer powder is flexible or rigid:

1. Elasticity

A flexible polymer powder will exhibit good elasticity, allowing the mortar to withstand slight movement without cracking. A rigid polymer powder lacks elasticity and may lead to reduced flexibility in the mortar.

Elasticity is a key characteristic in determining the flexibility of a redispersible polymer powder for mortar. To assess the elasticity, consider the following:

Tackiness: A flexible polymer powder will exhibit some degree of tackiness when touched, indicating its ability to deform without cracking. In contrast, a rigid polymer powder will feel dry and lacking in tackiness.

Stretchability: A flexible polymer powder can be easily stretched, showing its capacity to accommodate movement without breaking. This can be evaluated by gently pulling or stretching the polymer powder, noting the degree of elongation before it tears.

Recovery: After stretching a polymer powder, observe how well it returns to its original shape. A flexible polymer powder will have good recovery, bouncing back to its original form. Conversely, a rigid polymer powder will show minimal elasticity and struggle to regain its shape.

2. Tensile strength

A flexible polymer powder will have relatively lower tensile strength, enabling the mortar to accommodate slight deformations. In contrast, a rigid polymer powder will have higher tensile strength, making the mortar more resistant to deformations.

Tensile strength is an essential property to consider when judging the flexibility or rigidity of a redispersible polymer powder for mortar. Follow these steps to assess tensile strength:

Preparation: Prepare a test specimen by mixing the polymer powder with water according to the recommended guidelines. Allow the mixture to dry and solidify.

Testing: Use a tensile testing machine to apply forces to the specimen until it breaks. A flexible polymer powder will exhibit lower tensile strength, indicating its ability to deform under stress. A
rigid polymer powder will demonstrate higher tensile strength, reflecting its resistance to deformations.

3. Film Formation


Flexible polymer powders tend to form thin, deformable films, while rigid polymer powders form thicker and less deformable films. These films influence the overall flexibility or rigidity of the mortar.

The film formed by a redispersible polymer powder is another indicator of flexibility or rigidity. Consider the following aspects when assessing film formation of redispersible polymer powder for mortar:

Thickness: A flexible polymer powder will form a thin film that allows for some deformations without cracking. On the other hand, a rigid polymer powder will create a thicker and less flexible film. Compare the thickness of films formed by different polymer powders to determine their flexibility.

Appearance: A flexible polymer powder will produce a film that appears smooth and pliable. It will not show signs of stiffness or brittleness. In contrast, a rigid polymer powder may create a film with rough or brittle characteristics.

Judging the flexibility or rigidity of a redispersible polymer powder for mortar is crucial. By evaluating elasticity, film formation attributes, and tensile strength, you can gain valuable insights and make an informed decision. Keep in mind that the flexibility or rigidity of the polymer powder will directly impact the performance and durability of mortar.

2. Factors to Consider when Choosing Redospersible Polymer Powder for mortar

redispersible polymer powder for mortar

Now that you understand how to assess the flexibility or rigidity of RDP powder. Let's discuss the factors when selecting the right redispersible polymer powder for mortar:

Application: Depending on the specific application of the mortar, such as external rendering, tile adhesives, or self-leveling compounds, certain polymer powders may be more suitable. Consider the requirements of your project and choose a polymer powder that matches the intended application.

Compatibility: Ensure the compatibility of the polymer powder with other constituents of the mortar system, such as cement, aggregates, and chemical admixtures. Compatibility issues may lead to reduced performance and even failure of the mortar.

Incompatibility can lead to issues such as poor dispersion, reduced performance, and decreased overall quality of the end product.

Performance: Evaluate the performance attributes offered by different polymer powders, such as improved workability, water resistance, impact resistance, and improved adhesion. Select a polymer powder that aligns with the desired performance characteristics of your mortar.

Some key performance factors to consider include:

Workability: Look for redispersible polymer powder for mortar that enhance the workability of your product, making it easier to mix, spread, and apply. Good workability allows for better control and smooth application.

Water Resistance: If your application will be exposed to moisture or water, choose a redispersible polymer powder for mortar that provides excellent water resistance. This will help prevent degradation, cracking, and other water-related damages.

Adhesion: Consider the adhesion properties of the polymer powder. A good polymer powder should improve the bonding strength between different materials, such as concrete, tiles, or wood, ensuring long-lasting adhesion.

Impact Resistance: For applications that are prone to impact or mechanical stress, select a polymer powder with high impact resistance. This will provide added durability and protection against damage.

Glass transition temperature:Amorphous polymers have three mechanical states, which are glassy, highly elastic, and viscous.

When the temperature is low, the material is a rigid solid, similar to glass, and only a very small deformation will occur under the action of external force, this state is the glass state

When the temperature continues to rise to a certain range, the deformation of the material increases significantly, and the deformation is relatively stable in the subsequent certain temperature range. This state is the high elastic state.

As the temperature continues to rise, the amount of deformation increases gradually, and the material gradually becomes a viscous fluid. At this time, the deformation cannot be recovered, and this state is a viscous fluid state.

We usually refer to the transition between the glassy state and the high elastic state as the glass transition, and the corresponding transition temperature is the glass transition temperature, or glass transition temperature.

If the glass transition temperature is above 0 degrees, the adhesion is strong, but the flexibility is not good. If the glass transition temperature is below 0 degrees, the flexibility is good, and the adhesion is not good. Now the lowest glass transition temperature on the market should be -15 ℃, and the highest is generally Domestic products are all around 5°C, and better brands generally control it at around 3°C. Therefore, if you want to make adhesive mortar, you should choose latex powder with strong adhesion, and you should choose latex powder with good flexibility for plastering mortar.

Manufacturer Reputation: If you want good redispersibler polymer powder for mortar, Consider the reputation and history of the polymer powder manufacturer. Opt for reliable and well-established manufacturers who have a proven track record in supplying high-quality polymer powders. Consider factors such as product certifications, technical support, and customer reviews before making a final decision. Research their certifications, product testing methods, and customer reviews to ensure they meet industry standards. Additionally, consider their technical support and customer service, as this can be valuable if you have questions or need assistance during your project.



Choosing the right redispersible polymer powder for mortar applications is a critical step to ensure the long-term durability and performance of your construction projects. By assessing the flexibility or rigidity of the polymer powder, considering factors such as application, compatibility, performance, and manufacturer reputation, you can make an informed decision. Remember, selecting the right polymer powder will contribute significantly to the overall quality and success of your mortar application.

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